The photo essay was the most enjoyable assignment to date. Not that writing an essay on the history of Valentine’s Day or reviewing the History Channel’s website were not fun but this assignment allowed for me to research and study a subject I thoroughly enjoy.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Black Panther Party Photo History-Commentary

Black Panthers line up at a Free Huey rally in DeFremery Park, Oakland, July 28, 1968. After a shootout with the police on October 28, 1967, Minister of Defense Huey P. Newton was arrested and convicted of voluntary manslaughter. His imprisonment and trial caused the Panthers and other activist groups to rally in his defense. In May 1970, Newton's conviction was overturned and following a series of mistrials, Newton was set free. The uniform of the Black Panther Party was black berets, powder blue shirts, black leather jackets, and black pants.
Source: Designer Magazine

Huey P. Newton, Minister of Defense of the Black Panther Party at the Black Panther Party National Headquarters in Oakland, California, August 12, 1968. This photo is perhaps the most famous picture of Newton. On the left side, Newton is holding a gun representing the militancy of the Party and on the other side, Newton is holding a spear representing cultural nationalism and the connection to the third world. The original photo was taken by Ruth-Marion Baruch.

Fred Hampton founded the
Source: Injustice Busters

Co-founders of the Black Panther Party-Chairman Bobby Seale (left) and Minister of Defense Huey P. Newton (right). Behind Seale and Newton is the Oakland Povery Center, which became the Panthers first office in Oakland, California, 1966.
Source: Social Justice Movements Website/Columbia University

The Black Panther Party was started in October, 1966 in Oakland, California by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. This picture, taken in Oakland, California, November 1966, is of the original six members of the Black Panther Party. From top left to right: Elbert "Big Man" Howard, Huey P. Newton, Sherman Forte, Bobby Seale. Bottom: Reggie Forte and Little Bobby Hutton.
Source: Marxist Internet Archive
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