Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Voices of Civil Rights

Voices of Civil Rights started in 1994 as a joint venture of AARP, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR), and the Library of Congress. This site is part of a larger project called the Voices of Civil Rights National Bus Tour. A team of journalists traveled around the country (70 days, 39 cities) collecting civil rights oral histories from August to October 2004. Voices includes photos, video, and blogs from the journalists. Thousands of personal stories and oral histories of the Civil Rights Movement are available for research. The creators of the project explain that it is the world's largest archive of personal accounts of civil rights history and the entire collection will eventually be held at the Library of Congress. Other features of the site are an online archive of the oral histories, music video, photo gallery, and a timeline of the civil rights movement. Adding an interactive map, journals, and recordings, this site provides a new way to look at the civil rights movement and oral histories.

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